Kings of War is the game of mass fantasy battles. Players clash on the tabletop using classic fantasy rank and flank armies, ranging from hordes of infantry, thunderous cavalry to the brand new Titan-sized monsters. Games last around 90 minutes with 6 turns per player across a number of exciting scenarios.
Uncharted Empires contains 12 new army lists, and for the first time players have access to Army themes. These allow list variants of one of the games master lists and help add new flavor to an existing army to represent a different faction with similar roots. They are a great way to introduce the many sub-factions and players in the world to your games.
What’s in the book?
The background section explores the new factions in-depth, detailing their place and influence on the world of Pannithor.
The army lists section introduces 12 new armies to the game: The Brotherhood orders, Free Dwarfs, Salamanders, Sylvan Kin, The Herd, Kingdoms of men, The League of Rhordia, Ratkin & Ratkin slaves, Twilight Kin and Varangur.
Requires a copy of the Kings of War: Third Edition rulebook to play.
Kings of War is the game of mass fantasy battles. Players clash on the tabletop using classic fantasy rank and flank armies, ranging from hordes of infantry, thunderous cavalry to the brand new Titan-sized monsters. Game...