Game Rules Armies of Antiquity The Wars of Imperial Rome 192 page full colour hardback rulebook
Complete rules on how to play including clear diagrams and tactical tips. The game rules cover the organization of units, movement, manoeuvre, orders, shooting, hand-to-hand combat and morale.
The advanced rules cover different weapon types, skirmishers, chariots, elephants and artillery. Unit special rules detail different formations and fighting styles used by soldiers throughout history such as the powerful phalanx, the short sword expertise of the Roman legionary and the feigned flight tactic of nomadic horsemen. The Generals and commanders section shows how these characters influence the battle and affect the morale and discipline of their troops.
Clash of Empires is filled with beautifully painted miniatures and armies throughout the book. Included is a section on setting up a game, including elements such as strategy rating, flanking marches and victory points. Each of the four scenarios are presented with guides on the forces available, terrain placement, army deployment and victory conditions.
This section details how to construct your armies for Clash of Empires and includes lists for Early Imperial Rome, Ancient Germans, Ancient British, Caledonians and Dacians. Also includes an allied section for using Sarmatians and Gauls plus army options for representing the civil wars of 69-70 CE and the Batavian Revolt. More army lists are available from the Great Escape games website.
Game Rules
Complete rules on how to play including clear diagrams and tactic...