Observation Post
A Special Focus On What We Picked Up At Vapnartak in York This Month.
Theme 1: Armies of the Thirty Years War!
Jim Graham Provides Some Advice for Gamers Looking To Invest in a New Period or Army for Use During This Fascinating Period.
Theme 2: Aircraft and Ground Support in the Great War
Jim Graham Is Back, Switching Periods To Look At Some of the Less Glamorous Aspects of Being a ‘knight of the Air’ During World War One.
Theme 1: Wargaming the Battle of Rocroi
Simon Macdowall Examines the Wargaming Potential of the Franco-spanish Conflict in the Thirty Years War.
Theme 2: Raid On Kensington
The Drone of Engines, the Twists and Turns of Aerial Combat – We Tried Out One of the Scenarios and Aspects of the Expanded Rules From the Upcoming Blood Red Skies with Game Designer Andy Chambers.
Theme 1: Going Plastic in the Thirty Years War
Rupert Mitchell of Drum and Flag Presents Some Thoughts On Creating Armies Using Plastic Miniatures.
Theme 2: Take To the Skies with Johnny Red
Whilst America Had the X-Men and Spiderman, the Brits Had More ‘realistic’ Heroes, Whose Stories Were Told Against the Backdrop of Real Warfare. Steve Beckett Tells Us More About – Johnny Red.
Just Another April Fool
Pete Brown Embraces An April Tradition, But Can You Tell the Historical Truth From the Alternative Facts?
Theme 2: Route Pack 6
Aerial Warfare Over North Vietnam 1965-72. John F. Stanoch Discusses This Aspect of the War in Vietnam and Presents Some Gaming Ideas and a Scenario.
Theme 2: Bootneck Air Assault
Although the ‘suez Crisis’ Resulted in a Humiliating Climbdown By Britain and France, the Military Operation Itself Succeeded and Featured the First Example of An Assault Never Before Used in Combat.
Battle of the Battlemats
We Take a Look At a Number of Battlemats From Different Companies, Along the Way Charting Their Evolution and Merits.
Go Large in World War One (Oppy Wood Part 2)
James Morris Takes the 12mm Version of His 2017 Wargames Project (Featured Last Month) To War On a Larger Scale – 54mm!
Rules Showcase: Hail the Dark Ages!
The Latest Supplement for Hail Caesar From Warlord Games Covers the Dark Ages or ‘early Medieval’ Period, with New Special Rules and Updated Army Lists – We Try Them Out with Hc Author Rick Priestley.
Modelling: Druid
A Look At the Creation of Our Salute 2018 Gaming Table.
Show Report: Tactica 2018
Our Travels Take Us To Hamburg Once More, and This Excellent Showcase of Germanic Wargaming Talent.