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  • España 1936 (inglés)
    • España 1936 (inglés)

    España 1936 (inglés)

    33,24 €
    34,99 €
    5% sparen
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    España 1936 is a strategy game simulating the conflict that took place in Spain between July 1936 and April 1939. A civil war that confronted two irreconcilable views of the country at the time. Nominations: Nominated for Charles S.Roberts Awards - Best Pre-WWII Era Board Game Nominated for International Gamers Awards - Historical Simulation Board Game Nominated for Origins Awards - Best Historical Board Game Nominated for Golden Geek Best Wargame (BGG) - Nominee 2008

    Number of players: 2
    Gameplay time: 150 min.
    Recommended Age: 14

    Resumen del producto

    España 1936 is a strategy game simulating the conflict that took place in Spain between July 1936 and April 1939. A civil war that confronted two irreconcilable views of the country at the time. Nominations: Nominated f...