The Vital Essence Plot deck invites you to drain the life from the heroes and leave them to bleed out. This Plot deck centers around the Broken Plot card. Whenever a hero is defeated, you can exhaust Broken. Then, instead of gaining a threat token or drawing an Overlord card, you can place a threat token on one of the hero’s Class cards with a fatigue cost. Whenever the hero attempts to trigger that Class card, he must spend one additional fatigue. By slowly increasing the number of fatigue tokens a hero must suffer, you can leave the hero party too exhausted to continue their quest.
If you summon Kyndrithul himself to fight alongside your monsters, you’ll find that he’s a deadly combatant. Kyndrithul can harness his sorcery to attack and feed on the bodies of fallen heroes to restore his own health. As your agent, Kyndrithul may even enthrall the heroes, fostering dissension in their ranks and tearing them apart from within.
Kyndrithuls customized plot deck marries his personality to new tactical options.
Fortune tokens provide players with versatile options as they confront the overlords growing threat