The vicious Bol'Goreth rampages through the wildlands at the edge of the Valdari Marsh, and those left in his wake babble terrifying tales of destruction. However, dark rumors hint at something more sinister behind the simple-minded brutality: something horrific that threatens to spill out across the realm.
Bring even more adventure to all of your Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition campaigns with The Trollfens. This Expansion introduces new heroes, monsters, classes, quests, and more!
Heroes can investigate and discover secret rooms and rumors while the overlord spreads infection with his new Overlord cards and brings to bear a powerful new weapon: the massive lieutenant Bol'Goreth!
The vicious Bol'Goreth rampages through the wildlands at the edge of the Valdari Marsh, and those left in his wake babble terrifying tales...