Theme: Competing for the Gods
- Murray Dahm, 'The four crown games - Competing for the gods'.
- Sidney Dean, 'The origins of the Pythian Games - Victory laps'.
- Gareth Williams, 'Pindar's victory odes - Second to none'.
- Jordan Henderson, 'Theagenes of Thasos and Kleitomachos of Thebes - Isthmian Brawlers'.
- Stefanos Skarmintzos, 'Reconstructing the armed race of Nemea - The Hoplite race'.
- Manolis Peponas, 'An inscription from Rhodes - A look at local competitions'.
- Nicola Bergamo, 'The Olympian Games of Antioch - Perpetual holiday'.
- Jona Lendering, 'The Lacoon group - Agony'.
- Andrei Pogacias, 'Ovid in exile - Between arrows and ice'.
- Boed Marres, 'The first fruits of DNA-research - A new window on antiquity'.
- Marc DeSantis, 'Puzzling over the Indo-European enigma - Ancient origins'.
- Kees Alders, 'A competition of soberness - The philosophy of Zeno'.
- Christian Koepfer, 'How do we know - How to date wood'.
- Book reviews