Observation Post: A special look at what we ‘Spotted At’ Historicon 2018.
Theme: Carry on Campaigning: Pete Brown is back, with some thoughts on running a Wargames campaign.
Designer’s Notes: 7tv Apocalypse: Co-author and Sub-Editor Wayne shares some of the decisions and ideas behind this stand-alone rules system coming soon from Crooked Dice Game Design Studio.
Theme: The Diamonds of Elias Skull: Joe McCullough presents an exclusive mini-campaign for his Ghost Archipelago rules from Osprey Games.
Crete 1941 - Part Two: Following on from last month’s introduction, James Morris offers four scenarios for gaming during the World War Two Battle for Crete.
Theme: Computer Campaigning: Colonel (Retired) Bill Gray shares some thoughts on the running of campaigns and realities of campaign gaming using computers.
Designer’s Showcase: Black Powder II: Rick Priestley explains the main changes made to this extremely popular games system and the upcoming re-vamp.
Theme: Campaigning the Perry Way: Alan Perry takes us through a typical Perry Campaign Season, taking in two different campaigns played with his chums.
La Gorgue Airfield: Having won an award at Partizan 2018 for Best Demo Game, we caught up with Dave Andrews and Aly Morrison to find out more about this game.
Theme: Seelowe!: Pete Brown discusses how to use works of fiction as a framework for your campaigns. He uses ‘Operation Sealion’ (a wargaming classic!) as an example.
The Flashing Knobs: “Liston very carefully I shall say zis only once” - Mike Wilkins introduces us to his quirky Bolt Action tournament force.
Reimagining the Crusades - Part Two: Formations: Dr. Steve Tibble continues this fascinating series with a look at Crusade battle formations and how they could be applied on the tabletop.
Keep The Home Fires Burning - Black Powder For WWI: David Bickley shares his thoughts on how he went about adapting the Black Powder rules for the Great War in 1914.
Show Report: Historicon 2018: Our man in the States, Dave Taylor, takes us on a tour of some of the best tables at this massive US convention.
Virai: The Dronescourge: Just who or what are the Virai, and why is their presence in the Gates of Antares universe such a potential game changer? Nick Simmerson takes a closer look.
Wargaming With Plastic Soldiers Part 2 – 1/32nd: Rupert Mitchell presents the second part of his article on gaming with plastic soldiers, this time looking at what’s out there for the 54mm gamer.