Being exiled to Sakaar, Hulk became a gladiator. But afterthe tragic death of his family, he’s returned to Earth totake revenge onanyone that’s wrong him... and anyoneelse who just happens to be around at the time.TheWorld War Hulkexpansion forMarvel Unitedgivesplayers a new foe to fight in the form of an enragedGladiator Hulk. Thankfully, heroes like Hercules and TonyStark in his specially designed Hulkbuster armour arehere. But will it be enough to stop the living embodimentof rage?
Contenido: 5 Highly Detailed, Miniatures, 3 Locations, 105 Cards, 2 Villain Dashboards, 8 Tokens, 1 Rules Leaflet.
Edad mínima recomendada: 14 años
Duración: 40 min.
Número de jugadores: 1 a 5
Editorial: CMON
Idioma: Español
Being exiled to Sakaar, Hulk became a gladiator. But afterthe tragic death of his family, he’s returned to Earth totake revenge onanyone that’s wrong him... and anyoneelse who just happens to be around at the time.Th...