The unique ProCreate formula allows for easy customization of work life and hardness/flexibility by varying temperature and the mix ratio of base to hardener. The standard mix ratio of 1:1 at 75°F (24°C) allows for a work life of around 120 minutes. A temperature decrease of about 20°F (11°C) will double the work life. Likewise an increase of the same temperature will result in half the work original life. Note that curing above 95°F (32°C) is not recommended since it can soften the mixed putty and result in the loss of sculpture shape and detail. A more flexible cure may be achieved for organic shapes by using more of the black colored hardener. A harder cure may be achieved for hard edges, machines and for easier standing and filling by using more of the white Base putty.
Gray was specifically selected to be the final mixed color for Procreate. Gray allows fine detail work to be observed more easily and results in less eye strain.