The power of Chi can be elusive. But those that are abletoharness it can perform feats that others only dream of.Survivors with these Chi powers might just tip the balanceagainst the undead.The Eternal Empire expansion forZombicide: White Deathis full of new content. It has a Campaign system, spanning10 missions. There’s new Survivors, each with special Chipowers. They’ll be facing new Warden Brutes and theGod-Eater. They’ll be fighting across the city filled withnew Ice and Bridge Zones.
Contenido: 18 Highly Detailed Miniatures; 4 Game Tiles; 145 Mini Cards; 37 Tokens; 12 ID Cards; 1 Campaign Sheet notepad; 136 Objective Cards; 1 Rulebook.
Edad mínima recomendada: 14 años
Duración: 30-180 min.
Número de jugadores: 1 a 6
Autores: Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien
Editorial: CMON
Idioma: Español
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